150€ ($210) referral bonus
By sharing your experiences at TEFL International Barcelona with your friends and family back home you have the opportunity to earn 150€ for each referral.

How? Simply by telling your friends about TEFL International Barcelona you have the possibility of receiving a referral bonus of 150€ for every person that you refer that pays of the course in full. Share this website and our contact information and make sure to tell your friends that they need to specify that you referred them when they register for the course and once they have paid in full we send you 150€ ($210).
Just one email about your experiences at TEFL International Barcelona to all of your contacts could result in a weekend getaway, some money to spend a rainy day in style or assist in an extended trip over the holidays.
If you still have friends in university who are looking for an internship in the marketing sector please have them contact Michael, our job guidance guy, through our CONTACT US page.
This offer is valid through May 2015.
TEFL International Barcelona