Celebrating 10
2004 to 2014

Celebrating 19 years as a leading TEFL centre in Barcelona: 2004 - 2023
120-hour 4 Week Course

Course Content
Unlike many certificate courses the TEFL International Barcelona course has a very practical emphasis and deals primarily with the real skills and knowledge needed by teachers in the classroom.The course is divided into five main areas:
Teaching Practice
The most practical and fundamental area of any TEFL/TESOL course and the main reason why online and distance learning Programmes do not suffice. Course trainees teach real students of English and put into practice the skills learnt throughout the course. Our trainees start teaching in the first week and teach at least 6 full length classes during the course. These teaching practices are observed by a trained observer and straight after each class trainees have a feedback session with their observer.
Foreign Language Experience
The trainees receive training in an unknown foreign language to reflect on the experience of being a learner, and how this might influence their own teaching of very low levels..
Language Awareness
Grammar: Covers parts of speech, simple and complex sentence elements, clauses, verb tense and aspect and voice. Conditional structures and Modal verbs. Direct and reported speech.
Phonology: Covers phonemics, word stress and intonation, sentence stress and intonation, rhythm and connected speech.
Student Profile
Trainees work with individual students on rapport-building, error analysis and correction and assessing student level and individual student needs. Two meetings with the student are required including transcription and error analysis and the preparation and teaching of an unobserved private class.
Teaching Techniques
Teaching Practice
Lesson planning
Classroom management
Establishing rapport
Discipline in the classroom
Managing equipment and teaching aids
Creating materials
Correction techniques
Evaluation and testing
Teaching vocabulary
Teaching grammar
Teaching receptive skills (reading and listening)
Teaching productive skills (speaking and writing)
Games in the classroom
Songs in the classroom
Teaching beginner students
Teaching individual students
Teaching business English
Teaching young learners
Upon making the deposit for the course you will receive:
eBook written by Lisa Girling, the course director, to help you with your grammar needs.
The TEFL International Barcelona course is assessed as follows:
Teaching Practice 50%
Written project work, attitude and participation 30%
Grammar and Phonology Test 20%
The teaching practice element is continually assessed and trainees are kept up to date on their progress through individual tutorials.
Successful trainees receive an official TEFL International Certificate showing successful completion of the course. They will also be issued with a Grade Letter from TEFL International Barcelona, reflecting upon their performance during the course.
Course Assesment
Course Material
Trainees will be given a USB device loaded with PDF eBooks for the following areas of the course:
Teaching Skills
Language Awareness/Grammar
Classroom Management
These high quality materials will provide trainees with valuable reference resources.
The USB devices also contain proformas for compulsory course work.
Trainees will also be issued with a folder in which they can keep their course work. This forms a record of the course and should be tidy and professional in appearance. It will be inspected in the middle and at the end of the course.
The folder needs to contain:
All lesson plans, material used in class, trainer feedback forms and self-evaluation forms
Observation of experienced teacher forms
Unknown language project
Student profile project
Materials project
You may also use it to store your day-to-day class notes and handouts from the morning input sessions.
Recommended Reading:
We recommend that you have a copy of, or are familiar with, the following books:
The Practice of English Language Teaching, J Harmer
English Grammar in Use, R Murphy, Cambridge University Press
All of the teacher trainers on the course have been involved in teaching and teacher training for many years. They are all professional, highly experienced and qualified, yet supportive and sensitive to the needs of the trainees.
All trainers are active teachers and as such are fully aware of the situations facing trainees and teachers in the classroom today.
Each group of trainees will have the opportunity to observe the trainers teaching students of English during the course.
All trainees will have input from a number of different trainers during each course.
The Teacher Trainers
The Trainees
Applications are welcomed from all applicants regardless of sex, age, religion, race or nationality. The only requirements are a proficient level of English, evidence of study at a higher education level (work experience may be accepted in place of academic achievements) and an understanding of the intensive nature of the course.
TEFL International Barcelona has trained teachers from many backgrounds and ages with great success. We consider it our responsibility to guide trainees to successful completion of the course.
The TEFL International Barcelona course is very time intensive (but fun) and applicants need to be prepared to adapt to the demands of the course.